Shipping times will vary depending on the specific item(s) in your order and when the order is placed.
Orders will ship out once they are complete. If there are multiple items in your order, once the last item is ready for shipping, we will send out the order. If your order includes a pre-sale item, the order will ship once the last pre-sale item is ready. Likewise, if your order includes a CGC item, the order will ship once we have the last item back from CGC.
Orders may take a few weeks to ship if it includes a pre-sale, if we are waiting for the items to be shipped to our warehouse, to be printed/produced, for a comic to be signed, for CGC to grade an item, or if our team is out of the office working a live event.
CGC graded items will be sent to CGC for grading after the order has been placed. It can take CGC 6 to 12 weeks (or longer) to grade the item and return it to us for shipping, depending on their current volume. More information about the CGC grading process can be found HERE.
You will receive a shipping notification once your order is ready to ship. If you have not yet received a shipping notice 6 weeks after the order had been placed for non-CGC orders, please send an email to, including your order number, and we can follow up with our warehouse on the status of your order. For orders including CGC items, please allow at least 12 weeks before emailing for a status update.
Note that order dates are done in the international style, with the date first, followed by the month, then the year (DD-MM-YYYY).